Elvis Exhibit Leaving Fort Knox

FORT KNOX, Ky. -- In the days when Elvis Presley was staging concerts, the announcer would signal that the show was over with the line "Elvis has left the building."
At Fort Knox, Elvis is leaving the building on Friday.
For the last two years, the Patton Museum has offered visitors a look at an exhibit concerning "the Soldier known as Elvis Presley," but its last day is Friday.
The exhibit opened March 24, 2004, on the 46th anniversary of the day Elvis joined the Army and has included mementoes of Elvis when he served as an enlisted Soldier in Friedberg, Germany.
Presley served in the Army from March 1958 until March 1960, spending the majority of this time assigned to Ray Barracks in Friedberg. The time is running out to see -- among other things -- the Army fatigues and overcoat worn by "The King."
source: wlky.com
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