Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Houndog: A disturbing movie is in the works

From All Headline News http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7004316240 :
Dakota Fanning Filmed In Scenes With Violent Sexual Content
July 24, 2006 6:00 p.m. EST
Mary K. Brunskill - All Headline News Staff Writer
New York, NY (AHN) - Twelve-year-old actress Dakota Fanning is currently involved in a movie in which her character is subjected to a violent sex act. The screenplay for the film, which is called "Houndog," contains one scene in which Fanning's character is raped and several other scenes in which the character appears naked or wearing only "underpants."
The movie is was being filmed in North Carolina, and Fanning's rape scene had already been completed when production was shut down due to lack of funds. Potential investors were turned off by the shocking material and didn't want to be involved with the independent movie, which had a budget of under $5 million.
A source close to the situation told the New York Daily News, "The two taboos in Hollywood are child abuse and the killing of animals. In this movie, both things happen."
After production was halted, producer Jen Gatien located emergency investors and was able to resume filming. The shooting was scheduled to be completed at the end of last weekend.
"Houndog" is set in the rural South and deals with abuse, violence and Elvis Presley infatuation.
Robin Wright Penn is the executive producer and stars in the film along with David Morse and Piper Laurie.
New York entertainment entrepreneur Lawrence Robins said, "The subject matter is very tough, but I was attracted to it because in the end it's a story about human understanding, about a little girl who's dealt a very bad deck of cards, but finds solace in the music of Elvis and survives."