I am rooting for WALK THE LINE to win in every catagory they are nominated for.
I feel I am going to cry if Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon win. I cried last year when Jamie Foxx won for RAY. OMG. Those two are amazing. I think it will be a tight neck-to-neck race with BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN but I dont know if Hollywood or the Academy will chose the controversial film. I look at the winners of the Golden Globes because you win that, your chances of Oscar Gold are bar none.
I strongly, gut-instinct feel Reese WILL win. Joaquin? I'm 90% positive. Walk the Line for Best Picture? I'm like 80% sure.
Oh yea, I DO want Jake Gyllenhaal to win for supporting actor for BROKEBACK.

I loved him in JARHEAD and I think he (from the clips-havent seent the movie) was perfect in BROKEBACK.
GOOD LUCK!!!!! I'll be watching!